
What is Language?

Language includes what we say (expressive language) and what we understand (receptive language). Language is comprised of five different components:



This refers to the meaning of words. An SLP may work on expanding vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, figurative language, and/or multiple meaning words.


Morphology is the system of rules that govern changes in meaning at the word level. This includes prefixes, suffixes, plural forms, and verb tense markers.


Syntax (or grammar) is how we put words together in order to form phrases and sentences. For example, in English we would say, “I went to a new school.” instead of “I school new went to.”


Pragmatics are the social skills we use and understand when communicating with others. This includes gestures, body language, facial expressions, prosody or inflection, tone of voice, topic maintenance, and more.


Phonology is the study of the sounds or phonemes in a language and the rules about how those sounds can combined. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound that make up a language. For example, the word “dig” contains three phonemes /d/ /ĭ/ /g/.

Source: www.asha.org